Thursday, March 22, 2007


Folding@Home is a project dedicated to folding proteins related to cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinson's and more. Folding proteins will help scientists to better understand these diseases and hopefully find a cure.

Sunday night is the unofficial Folding@Home night where users of the system will run their machines overnight in a mini competition. No there's no prizes but we here at technobabble are participating.

If you have a PS3 you can download the Folding@Home application right now. The PS3 is a great piece of hardware for this as it can take advantage of the 7 cores very well. From my own experience it runs very quickly.

I also have it running on my server here at technobabble and on the computer upon which that I am writing this post.

If you would like to participate in this great project down load the software from Stanford University's website by clicking here.

Technobabble has a group for this so if you are running Folding@Home already or are planning to you may join us if you like. Our group number is 56121.

Our prayers go out to those suffering from these diseases and to those working on the cure.

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