To the Irwin family and friends,
Our hearts and prayers go out to you in this time.
tech news for everyone.
Our goal is to help people understand the importance of technology and show them how to make life fun with it.
Our technology blog started on MySpace and you can still view the first months of technobabble there by clicking here. After posting there for a while Jeff (Head editor and web-site admin) decided that the design of MySpace just wasn't up to par with other blogging software.
Searching for other places to continue with technology blogging, Blogger was found and we made a firm home at www.technobabbleonline.com which is based on blogger technology.
To provide a better experience for the reader we have just moved our official site to Wordpress and with that the URL. The new site has a cleaner interface and is just as easy to use as the blogger design. The simpler design means the reader can find the information they are looking for with a quick search.
Technobabble recently started podcasting and is looking to expanding into a few different podcasts to cover gaming, open source, and even a dedicated World of Warcraft podcast.
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